Dr. Rachel H Mcdowell, MD Dr. Rachel H Mcdowell, MD

emergency medicine. Female

Dr. Rachel H Mcdowell, MD is an emergency medicine specialist in Crystal Lake, Illinois (IL). She specializes in Emergency Medicine.

TrI-County Emergency Physicians Ltd
525 E Congress Pkwy
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

General Information

Board certificationEmergency Medicine
EducationGraduated : 2004
School : Other
Group AffiliationsTrI-County Emergency Physicians Ltd
Hospital AffiliationsPresence Saint Francis Hospital
Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital


  • 450 W Il Route 22
    Barrington, IL 60010
    (847) 381-0123
  • 525 E Congress Pkwy
    Crystal Lake, IL 60014
    (815) 479-8020

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