Dr. Rick S Cernovich, MD Dr. Rick S Cernovich, MD

emergency medicine. Male

Dr. Rick S Cernovich, MD is an emergency medicine specialist in Geneseo, Illinois (IL). He graduated from Michigan State University College Of Human Medicine in 1984 and specializes in emergency medicine.

Hammond Henry Dist Hospital
600 N College Ave
Geneseo, IL 61254

General Information

Board certificationEmergency Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1984
School : Michigan State University College Of Human Medicine
Group AffiliationsHammond Henry Dist Hospital
Hospital AffiliationsPerry Memorial Hospital
Osf Saint Lukes Medical Center
Hammond Henry Hospital
Osf Saint Francis Medical Center


  • 113 S Main st
    Sheffield, IL 61361
    (815) 454-2811
  • 530 Park E Ave
    Princeton, IL 61356
    (815) 876-4419
  • 600 N College Ave
    Geneseo, IL 61254
    (309) 944-9124

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