Dr. Margaret A Russo, MD Dr. Margaret A Russo, MD

internal medicine. Female

Dr. Margaret A Russo, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Northampton, Massachusetts (MA). She graduated from Albany Medical College Of Union University in 1991 and specializes in internal medicine.

Cd Practice Associates Inc
30 Locust st
Northampton, MA 01060

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1991
School : Albany Medical College Of Union University
Group AffiliationsCd Practice Associates Inc
Hospital AffiliationsBerkshire Medical Center
Fairview Hospital


  • 30 Locust st
    Northampton, MA 01060
    (413) 582-2330
  • 725 N st
    Pittsfield, MA 01201
    (413) 447-2000

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