Dr. Natarajan Ravi, MD Dr. Natarajan  Ravi, MD

internal medicine. Male

Dr. Natarajan Ravi, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Schenectady, New York (NY). He specializes in Internal Medicine.

Ellis Hospital
1101 Nott st
Schenectady, NY 12308

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1986
School : Other
Group AffiliationsEllis Hospital
Hospital AffiliationsAlbany Medical Center Hospital
Ellis Hospital


  • 1101 Nott st
    Schenectady, NY 12308
    (518) 243-4000
  • 43 New Scotland Ave
    Albany, NY 12208
    (518) 262-3277
  • 47 New Scotland Ave
    Albany, NY 12208

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