Dr. Thomas Vero Lheureau, MD Dr. Thomas Vero Lheureau, MD

general surgery. Male

Dr. Thomas Vero Lheureau, MD is an general surgery specialist in East Liverpool, Ohio (OH). He graduated from Medical College Of Pennsylvania in 1994 and specializes in general surgery.

Wmc Physician Practices Llc
332 W 6th st
East Liverpool, OH 43920

General Information

Board certificationGeneral Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1994
School : Medical College Of Pennsylvania
Group AffiliationsWmc Physician Practices Llc
Hospital AffiliationsWeirton Medical Center


  • 332 W 6th st
    East Liverpool, OH 43920
    (304) 797-6557
  • 651 Colliers Way
    Weirton, WV 26062
    (304) 797-6557

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