Dr. Paul Y Paik Dr. Paul Y Paik

anesthesiology. Male

Dr. Paul Y Paik is an anesthesiology specialist in Marion, Ohio (OH). He graduated from Ohio University Of Osteo Medicine in 2008 and specializes in anesthesiology.

Marion Area Physicians Llc
1000 Mckinley Park dr
Marion, OH 43302

General Information

Board certificationAnesthesiology
EducationGraduated : 2008
School : Ohio University Of Osteo Medicine
Group AffiliationsMarion Area Physicians Llc
Hospital AffiliationsMarion General Hospital


  • 1000 Mckinley Park dr
    Marion, OH 43302
    (800) 282-6741
  • 1040 Delaware Ave
    Marion, OH 43302
    (740) 383-7936
  • 1050 Delaware Ave
    Marion, OH 43302
    (740) 383-7936

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