Dr. Marla Y Molinary Ruiz, MD Dr. Marla Y Molinary Ruiz, MD

physical medicine and rehabilitation. Female

Dr. Marla Y Molinary Ruiz, MD is an physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist in Humacao, Puerto Rico (PR). She graduated from University Of Puerto Rico School Of Medicine in 2000 and specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

358 Calle Font Martelo
Humacao, PR 00791

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Medicine And Rehabilitation
EducationGraduated : 2000
School : University Of Puerto Rico School Of Medicine
Hospital AffiliationsHima San Pablo Humacao


  • 3 Calle Font Martelo E
    Humacao, PR 00791
    (787) 656-2424
  • 358 Calle Font Martelo
    Humacao, PR 00791
    (787) 285-1082

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