Jamie M Miller Jamie M Miller

nurse practitioner. Female

Jamie M Miller is an nurse practitioner specialist in Athens, Tennessee (TN). She graduated from Lincoln Memorial University Medical Department in 2012 and specializes in nurse practitioner.

General Information

Board certificationNurse Practitioner
EducationGraduated : 2012
School : Lincoln Memorial University Medical Department
Group AffiliationsFast Pace Medical Clinic Pllc


  • 1874 Decatur Pike
    Athens, TN 37303
    (855) 632-3278
  • 19536 Alberta st
    Oneida, TN 37841
    (423) 569-3278
  • 441 S Illinois Ave
    Oak Ridge, TN 37830
    (865) 685-0767
  • 756 Cosby Hwy
    Newport, TN 37821
    (423) 237-6546
  • 791 New Hwy 68 1
    Sweetwater, TN 37874
    (423) 836-9304

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