Dr. Poojitha Reddy Beravol Dr. Poojitha Reddy Beravol

nephrology. Female

Dr. Poojitha Reddy Beravol is an nephrology specialist in Kent, Washington (WA). She graduated from New York Medical College in 2009 and specializes in nephrology.

Valley Medical GrouP-Renton
24920 104th Ave se
Kent, WA 98030

General Information

Board certificationNephrology
EducationGraduated : 2009
School : New York Medical College
Group AffiliationsValley Medical GrouP-Renton
Hospital AffiliationsValley Medical Center
Tacoma General Allenmore Hospital


  • 24920 104th Ave se
    Kent, WA 98030
    (253) 395-2000

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