Dr. Steven R Pollei, MD Dr. Steven R Pollei, MD

diagnostic radiology. Female

Dr. Steven R Pollei, MD is an diagnostic radiology specialist in Lakewood, Washington (WA). She graduated from Washington University School Of Medicine in 1982 and specializes in diagnostic radiology.

Medical Scanning Consultants pa
7308 Bridgeport Way W, Suite 101
Lakewood, WA 98499

General Information

Board certificationDiagnostic Radiology
EducationGraduated : 1982
School : Washington University School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsMedical Scanning Consultants pa


  • 2930 S Meridian, Suite 160
    Puyallup, WA 98373
    (253) 256-0360
  • 33801 1st Way S, Suite 101
    Federal Way, WA 98003
    (253) 942-7226
  • 5775 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 190
    Minneapolis, MN 55416
    (952) 541-1840
  • 710 Birchwood Ave, Suite 102
    Bellingham, WA 98225
    (360) 671-3818
  • 7308 Bridgeport Way W, Suite 101
    Lakewood, WA 98499
    (253) 682-1666

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